This is a super-fast blog to show how to crack sshkeys with JohnTheRipper from Kali VM.
Create a key
(Note there are options for doing this but for now we will use the defaults)
Clone Jumbo John (it’s not in Kali by default only the normal JTR is)
git clone https://github.com/openwall/john.git
cd ~/john/run
sudo apt update
cd john
cd src
sudo apt install git build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev -y
./configure && make
cd ~/john/run
python ssh2john.py
python ssh2john.py ~/.ssh/id_rsa
python ssh2john.py ~/.ssh/id_rsa > sshhash.txt
cd ~/john/run
./john ~/john/run/sshhash.txt –wordlist=passwords.txt
and there we have it a very quick post and a cracked SSH key! remember hack for good, learn all the things and be safe!